
Hi there, my name is Carol Manser and I’m the owner of this blog called My Second Million. I live in Sydney, Australia, and My Second Million is my first ever blog.

My Second Million has now become a huge Resource of valuable Information for Beginner Bloggers who want to set up a blog for the first time.  It starts off right at the beginning, on Day One, which is where everyone has to start. And it has progressed! Yes! It has grown, and has now become a huge Resource for Beginners, and Beyond.

My Second Million started off earlier this year, with only one Domain Name, a Host, One Post, Welcome Friends, and a few ideas about how to get started. That's all.  But My Second Million has grown quickly, and has already built up into a big Resource for Bloggers from Day 1 Beginners, to more experienced online entrepreneurs.

I  give you tips and information in easy to understand, and easy-to-follow steps. That's because, as soon as I learn something new, I blog about it - while I still remember all the small steps I had to take, when I was doing it myself for the first time.  Just as my readers will be doing it for themselves for the first time.

In that way, i don't skim over important details, which could easily happen if I were to write a 'How To' article after I've already done the job a hundred times before - and have forgotten exactly how I did it the first time.  In fact:

I do the hard work, so you don't have to.

There is an old Chinese Proverb which says, "Even the longest journey starts with just one step".  That was what I was telling myself many years ago, when I was standing on my own with just my rucksack, on the platform of our Local Railway Station, waiting for the train that would take me away from my family home in England, and start me off on my journey to travel overland through Europe, Africa and Asia.

I had almost no clue about how I was going to get there. I knew what my first two steps would be (first go to London, and then go to Amsterdam), but beyond that, I knew nothing and had no plans.

But I did know that the important thing was to take that first step, and have faith that it could be done - and that I could do it - that I would do it.

And I eventually ended up in Australia! I didn't know that when I started out.....and became a real life Medical Doctor!  - I certainly never saw that coming!  That was many years ago, but the Proverb still applies in my life today.  It can apply in your life too.

The decision to set up a Blog starts with an idea, or a dream.  But to make it happen, you have to take ACTION, and take that first step.

The articles here at My Second Million show you exactly how you can do that.  Because it covers all the steps you need to take along the way - the same steps I took myself when I was starting out with this blog.  In fact, it is NOT a big step to start to set up a Blog, it's a small step - it just feels like a big step.

If setting up your own blog and make money from it is your dream, you must take that first step to make your dreams come true.

That is the power of that ancient Chinese Proverb: It's message is: Just Do It!

Don't 'not do it'  just because you think it's seems too big and daunting a task.  It never is.

They were Smart Cookies, those Ancient Chinese philosophers - they certainly knew a thing or two about Life, alright:

The first small step leads to the second small step...and hundreds of small steps later - you have a thriving Blog and a regular income - if that is the purpose of your blog. Or... you end up in Australia!  Both outcomes are good outcomes.

So if you'd like to tag along for the ride, Welcome!  There will be bumps along the road, but when there are, I'll tell you how to avoid them, or what to do if you've already crashed.

Of course I don't know yet if I'll ever make it to 'My Second Million' but I intend to have fun trying.  Everyone is welcome to join me on my journey.

Leave me a Comment below if you have any questions or messages.

Connect with Me :

And.... if you'd like to click on the  'Follow' me on the Google+ Badge, or on the Twitter Folliow badge below, you'd be doing me a huge favor, because it's one way I can impress Google! That would make me very happy, and I would thank you on either Google Plus, or Twitter, or both!  You would then become one of my 'special' people!

It's tempting I know - go on, spoil me, and make my day!

My other website is http://addictionrehabnow.com - a serious website providing reliable information and non judgmental support, in the areas of Addiction and Rehabilitation.

And....in my other, other life, I can be found at www.guitarforbeginners.com where I'm the Songwriting Moderator, and compulsive compiler of very bad rhymes (Our University Song).

If you want to make sure that you never miss out on my latest articles, and my free gifts (also a work in progress), Subscribe to my Newsletter and get the My Second Million News delivered right into your  Inbox - hopefully not your Spam folder - it's always a good idea to check....Click on the link below to Subscribe to My Newsletter.

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About — 13 Comments

  1. Hi Carol, your comments at Andrew’s site resonates with me, I had to check your page as I believe we are on similar journeys.
    Thanks to you I am now using TinyMCE. Kudos on your work.

    • Hi Tony, yes the TinyMCE plugin is a lifesaver for me – I rely on it every day. It easily came out in first place in my Review of Best Free Plugins post. I visited your site and see you use the Canvas wp theme – that was one of the ones I considered using for this site, but I chose Weaver II in the end. Have you found it easy to use?

      If you haven’t checked it out already, I think you’d find my other website http://addictionrehabnow.com
      covers some of the self-help areas close to your own topics.

      Blogging’s fun, isn’t it!


  2. Hi Carol,

    I have checked it and left a message, cause I didn’t see this post first.

    Canvas is very clean, to me it has “class”. I don’t find much too easy in this business, although I had computers for ever, my employees did everything, including emails, until recent times, during my convalescence (check Tony’s Bio) that I decided to, and had the time to learn for myself.

    My main challenge at present is setting up my autoresponder (GetResponse), I keep on leaving it on my too hard basket.

    Yes blogging is very exciting/fun, especially when you get incredible feed back, it makes you feel like you are not just a “pretty face” (we may have this in common).

    Great meeting you, cheers.

    • You are lucky to have staff to do some of the work for you, but it’s still true that learning to do stuff yourself makes you feel good – and clever – but only when it works……I see my Commentluv plugin isn’t working properly, so I’ll have to check that out.

      It’s hard to see if you have a pretty face (or not) – your avatar doesn’t give much away – but I’ll take your word for it. Besides, when you leave such nice comments, I’m prepared to say anything…..almost. 🙂

  3. Pingback: Authorship G+: Idiot's Guide to Get Photo in Searches THAT WORKS

  4. Pingback: How to Add Google Plus ‘Follow Me’ & ‘Share’ Buttons & Badges

  5. Hey carole-
    I spoiled you and +1 ‘d you. Thanks so much for this blog. I just discovered it today and have been browsing around. Great tips and advice and I will definately be coming back. There is so much inspiration here. I too started my blog not so long ago with just one little step and it has grown, slowly but surely. I am not so far on my journey as you (not in Australia yet 😉 ) but I plan to continue to take it just one step at a time.
    Thanks for the inspiration and the Chinese proverb that explains it all in a nut shell!
    -Jen Parker

    • Hi Jen! Yes, that proverb is a great one, isn’t it. It was Chinese New Year 2 days ago: now it’s The Year of the Horse – my sign is not the Horse, but I love horses so maybe that is a good omen! Thanks for the +1! Good luck with your blog!

  6. Hey Carol,

    I often visit your site, a lot of value infor here
    but You have no update your blog for long…

    Are you continue to blogging?


    • Hi Tony, it is true I have not posted anything recently. That’s because I unexpectedly became a full time student again. I do still keep an eye on the site to make sure it is still ticking over ok, and hope to get back to posting some new articles soon. Thanks for noticing…I think :).

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