Bargains Galore! Cut Price Hosting Deals at BlueHost & Hostgator

bluehost It must be silly season in the States – BlueHost and Hostgator are both giving away big discounts on their Website Hosting Packages.  These are 2 great value Hosting bargains, but you must be quick to grab the BlueHost Discount which is only available for one week starting Aug 20th – yes, that’s from today, for one week only.

Hostgator and BlueHost are the top two Website Hosting Companies on the planet for reliability and Support.  I use Hostgator myself, and they have been perfect in every way.  Several times they have rescued me from disaster, especially when I first started out, when I made the sorts of mistakes that all Beginner Bloggers make.

I believe that BlueHost are equal in reliability and Support to Hostgator, but I had to choose one or the other when I started out, and I went with Hostgator. Do you know why? Because I found an online Discount Coupon, so I took the plunge and got a bargain price for my first year’s Hosting.

Now you can grab a great Hosting Bargain too….

Deal 1: BlueHost Back To School Special Sale for ONE Week Only:

Available from August 19th to 25th only – this Monday till Monday next week.

Bluehost also includes one Free Domain Registration for one year, and no setup fee.

And of course it is unlimited number of Domains for the same Hosting price, plus all the usual inclusions that you will need – so no extra charges, unless you want to include specific advanced or enterprise add-ons.

Back To School Sale Prices are:

  • 12 months Hosting – $5.95 per month = $71.40 for one year

= a saving of $48.48

  • 24 months Hosting – $4.95 per month = $59.40 for one year = a saving of $48.48 per year x 2

= total saving of $96.96  over 2 years

  • 36 months Hosting – 3.95 per month = $47.40 for one year = a saving of $36.48 per year x 3

= total saving of $109.44 over 3 years.

Here is the link to the Back To School Sale Discount: BlueHost Sale

These are my calculations based on comparison with their current (not sale) prices at the BlueHost website.

See?  Good deal, eh?

That’s an even better Discount than I got when I first signed up for a Special Discount Price at Hostgator way back.

According to the BlueHost website, even these Current Regular prices that I based my Calculations on above are already a Discount – and now they’ve added on, the extra Back to School Discount as well.

The normal Full price of Shared Hosting (what you want if you are a blogger) is

$11.99 per month = $143.88 for one year.

Compare that with $71.40 for one year for the Back To School Sale Price.

That’s about a 50% Discount on the Full Regular Price…. he he…..

Note: These are my Calculations based on their quoted prices. You should do your own research and Calculations at the BlueHost website. Then decide if this is the Bargain you have been waiting for.

Yes? Brilliant, signup before the offer closes on Monday 25th August, or find yourself regretting that you did not grab a bargain while you could.

Deal 2: Hostgator 30% Discount Coupon for August 2013.

Hostgator 100x247This is the carry-over deal from Hostgator’s July promotion that I wrote about last week – still current until August 31st – only 10 days to go from today.

Your Discount Link is HOSTGATOR

Enter the Discount Code: MySecondMillion during signup

and you will receive a 30% Discount on Current Hosting Package Prices.  Also a good deal, don’t you think?

Remember, offer closes 31st August 2013.

[Please ignore the price quoted in that Hostgator Banner – I had to use a Non Discount banner because there aren’t any on this August Discount Deal]

You can read the original article I wrote to explain the benefits of this Hostgator Offer is here: Extended 30% Discount at Hostgator

There you go, no excuses, now!  Both these special discounts are using my personal affiliate links – you get a bargain and I get a commission – that’s how Affiliate Marketing works: a win for you and a win for me….and the company makes a bit less cash out of us – always good, don’t you think???  Yes, we’re talking sedition here!

Wikipedia Definition: Sediton: In law, sedition is overt conduct, such as speech and organization or action, that is deemed by the legal authority to tend toward insurrection against the established order…..

– yep, that sounds about right!  Less for the big guys, and more for us little guys! Yes!

 Well? What are you waiting for? The clock is ticking…….

I think it’s time to drag out our Motto:

Plan Well  Start Small…Think BIG!

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