Best Ever Days

Best Ever Days

I know a boy
Who is 6 and a halfboy smiling
He can stand on his head
And moo like a calf
He loves to climb trees
And play in the park
But he always comes home
When it starts to get dark

I know a boy
Who is nearly 4
He can walk in the street
And sit on the floor
He can help his Mummy
Around the house
He can sometimes even
Squeak like a mouse.

cat yellow

Samuel J. Cat

I know a cat
With big green eyes
He looks like a lion
(Except for his size)
He purrs in my ear
And licks at my nose
And if I’m not careful
He nibbles my toes.

I know a dog
Who’s as big as a horse
She’s my best ever friend
In the world of course



Her long pink tongue
Is as soft as can be
And she licks my fingers
When I’ve had my tea.

I know a dog
With great big ears
She’s black, and shiny
And knows no fear
She runs in the park
And fetches a stick

black dog


And she loves to chase cats
(Just to give them a lick)
She looks so sad
If we leave her alone
Then she bounces all over us
When we come home.

I’m ever so lucky
And do you know why?
All the best ever things
That are under the sky
All live in OUR house,
Or at least, come to tea,
With my best ever Mummyteaparty
Daddy, Granny and me
With my brother, and Carol
And Samuel J. Cat
With Alice and Rosie
(Who’d just love to get fat)

And there’s Apple, and Marianne
Grandmother and Bill
There’s John, and there’s Tom
Who lives up the hill…..

And when it’s all dark
As I lie in my bed
There’s Nanny Bear, Babar
And sheets Blue and Red
Then, in Nanny Bear’s ear,
I whisper and say
How it’s been such a
Perfectly, best ever day.

Top     Next: Twisted Nursery Rhymes


Best Ever Days — 6 Comments

      • I was just faffing around online and thought I’d check out your website, and suddenly I was reading this and weeping. Alice! Hope all’s well up there. x

        • Yes, the lovely Alice (who crapped all over my carpeted floor the first day she came to us) – I think she was just staking her claim and telling me she loved us….

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