Hostgator Coupon! HUGE 50% OFF! One Day Only Discount

hg birthday couponOh boy, do the goodies never end? Hostgator has gone bananas, Again…huh?…. do Gators eat bananas?…never mind.  Yes, even more goodies from Hostgator.  This 50% Birthday sale offer is for ONE DAY ONLY! Yes One Day Only folks, so it’s time to get into the starting blocks and line up all the ducks for a quick pounce – maybe I’m going bananas too? Maybe…

I have been banging on about the joys of Hostgator many times before, so instead of boring the socks off you, in case you don’t realise that Hostgator is the host with the most [pull yourself together, Carol] I’ll just recommend checking out the benefits of Hostgator by going HERE, and HERE.

I’ve used Hostgator myself for years, so I know I can recommend them with total confidence – they are simply the best, as Tina Turner might say…hmmm…she probably doesn’t know her Hostgator from her…hmm…whatevers…what is wrong with me today? Don’t answer that.

Hostgator is having a birthday! 

Starting Tuesday October 22nd at 12:00 AM Central, Hostgator will be celebrating its 11th Anniversary with a huge, 50% off all new Hosting Packages and $2.95 Domains!

The sale ends October 22nd at 11:59 PM Central. The coupon, GATORDAY, will automatically be applied to all new orders (does not apply to renewals).  Just select your package – I use BabyCroc because I think it gives best value – and during signup, Hostgator will add in GATORDAY to give you 50% discount.

To get your Birthday present, click on this link: HOSTGATOR

and the Coupon Discount Code is GATORDAY

Hot tip: they say they will add it automatically, but make sure they do!

[Note for the newbies or those wanting to learn about internet marketing, this post is doing everything wrong, oh well]…on to the good news! Yes.

And here is the best part (for me…he he!)  What? You get a great deal too!

*** The affiliate (that’s me) with the largest increase in payable/eligible sales on October 22nd vs. their past 30 day average will win a MacBook Air!  Nice!

So there you go, friends, do it for the team (me) and you will get… undying gratitude and a virtual hug.  Tempting isn’t it?  I really think I need to take my pills today, I’m getting (?) totally out of hand –

OK I think today I’ve gone troppo from the heat, I’m off-message, off-topic and off my rocker too, but never mind…..

Grab yourself a Bargain and a great Host all in one go for yourself, and win a Macbook air for yours truly.  Cut yourself a slice of birthday cake and get into the celebrations, sorry, no party hats or balloons….

Don’t forget that the 30% deal with Hostgator runs till the end of October.  So if you miss this 50% Sale offer on the 22nd October only, you can still get the  30% discount, but only up to October 31st.

To get the 30% discount deal,

click on this link, Hostgator

and during signup, type in this Coupon Code: OCTOBER30

and you’re all done – Bargain in the bag, and a chance to brag to your friends about how clever you’ve been!  Never miss out on a chance to do that!

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