Get NoDoFollow Add-On – Brilliant FREE Backlink Checker

backlink goldFinding dofollow links and backlinks, is like panning for gold.  Bloggers spend a lot of time searching for, and chasing Dofollow links to impress the Google web crawlers. If you are trying to impress Google with the value of your Content, and Authority (and who isn’t?), you need to find Blogs, Forums and High Page Rank websites where you can add a Dofollow Backlink Comment. They are not easy to find.

Bloggers need information if we want to succeed, and we need it fast. If it is also free, so much the better.  Time is money, and there are always too many jobs to do when running a successful Blog.  Today I can bring you a Back link Tool that is cool, incredibly useful, fast… AND it’s Free.  It’s my number one Tool for finding and building those all-important Backlinks!

Back links Are Vital for Increasing Google Page Rank

If you want to have a high ranking and successful blog, you need to play by Google’s rules and Guidelines.

Google guidelines say, it’s the number, type, and quality of your links and backlinks that are the main factor that Google uses to assess, and Rank, the Value of Competing websites.  In fact, Google assigns Page Rank based on the number and quality of your backinks, more than any other factor. Yes, we are all competing against each other, for favorable listings in Google’s Search Engine Results (SERPs).

So, like it or not, that is how Google plays the game of ‘favorites’ in it’s Page Ranking system.

If you can manage to get a Dofollow Backlink from a High Page Rank website, you have struck Blogger’s Gold.  Because, then, you have a link from these High Page Rank website, directly linking back to your own website, and that is what impresses Google most.  Google calls this Authority Flow – like water, from high to low.

Google assumes that having Dofollow Backlinks from websites with High Page Rank (and therefore, high Authority), means that we too, have a fantastically valuable and useful website.  As ever, it’s not WHAT you know, but WHO you know, that counts.  Having friends and influence in high places always wins the Blogger’s Lottery.  This NoDofollow backlink Checker helps you track down these friends in high places.

But….you also need to have a mix of nofollow and dofollow backlinks. Why? Because that ‘tells’ Google that your links were gained by your natural surfing around the internet, and were not bought, or swapped, or manipulated in some way, and therefore classified by Google as ‘un-natural links’ – Beware! Page Rank downgrade imminent!

For more information about Google’s Rules, the Panda and Penguin updates, and the different values and types of links and back links (dofollow vs nofollow) see:

Panda and Penguin Updates: Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Google?

Different Value Backlinks: How to Hunt The Best Ones

Cool New Way to Get Backlinks!

Backlinks, Authority, Page Rank & Traffic: Why You Need Them

So, to play the Game, what some people call, The Google Dance, you need powerful SEO Tools to tell you what you need to know.

Bloggers Need Tools to Give Them Fast and Reliable Backlink Information

So bloggers have a problem.  Bloggers need a way to know what sort of links and backlinks are available on other people’s websites.  Dofollow? Nofollow? We need to know – and I’ve found a fantastic, you-beaut Backlink Checker Tool that will tell you all this information with one click of your mouse.  YES!  And…it’s free.

Drum roll, please, James……introducing:

The Super Cool, Free, DoNoFollow Backlink Checker For Bloggers

It’s a free Add On for Firefox, or Chrome.  It’s compatible with Microsoft and Mac.  It’s the best thing since sliced bread for aspiring Big Cheese Bloggers (like us).

To install it as an Add On for your favourite Browser (FireFox or Google Chrome) do a Google search for the NoDoFollow add-on.  Download the Add On suitable for your favorite Browser,  and restart your computer.

Be prepared to be amazed!

Go to a website – any old website, it doesn’t have to be your own.  Right click with your mouse, you will see the usual drop down menu (Back, Reload, Save Page As, Bookmark This Page etc) PLUS a new DoNoFollow option.

Click on the NoDoFollow option, and the webpage you are looking at will be instantly transformed!  It’s amazing, and a bit of a shock the first time you do it.

ALL the links on the page will be high-lighted: blue highlight for the highly prized dofollow links; red highlighted for nofollow links.  It couldn’t be easier.  Yes, you have struck Blogger’s Gold.

It takes a while to get used to, but this is incredibly valuable information for Bloggers. The Backlink checking problem is solved instantly, with one click of the mouse.  Within minutes, this one Add-On Tool will be an essential part of your Blogging Day.  You’ll wonder how you managed with out it.

So, no excuses now: go out there and knock ‘em dead.  Knock your competitors off their pedestals (and tell them I sent you Smile)

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Get NoDoFollow Add-On – Brilliant FREE Backlink Checker — 16 Comments

    • Hi Andrew, it’s such a cool tool and it’s always there at the click of mouse. It’s also great that it’s an add-on to the browser, not yet another plugin to weigh your blog down.

            • Andrew. I love plugins too, and couldn’t do without them but I only add them when I find a plugin that does a job I can’t do without it.

              I’m sure that the more experience you have as a blogger, the more things you do with your blog, and then the more fancy effects you use. It’s a bit like getting older….you just keep expanding over time…:)

  1. Well, can I ask you a doubt? Will outlink decrease our page rank? I have read an article that, adding outlink will badly affect our PR. Is that correct?

    • Hi Akhil, It’s true that having Links out to other websites can allow Authority flow from your site. This happens when the link is a dofollow link because a dofollow link is ‘open’ for the Google web crawlers to follow.

      Links to sites based on unrelated topics, or to Affiliate sites should be nofollow links to avoid being penalized by Google.

      Allowing dofollow Comment Links is done for some sort of a trade-off: you give a dofollow link in exchange for Registering on your Blog, and to encourage Comments. Lots of Comments can increase your value in the eyes of Google and other data collectors.

      Allowing dofollow links on this Blog has increased my Comment count, but not by very much. It’s been a bit of an experiment. I was hoping that people who Registered for the dofollow link would also Subscribe to my Email List which is linked into the Registration Process, but voluntary. Unfortunately that hasn’t really happened.

      With Commentluv Premium you can exchange a dofollow link for Twitter and Facebook Likes etc. I don’t use Commentluv Premium but am considering buying it. The Premium version gives Bloggers more flexibility in how they can reward Commenters for Commenting.

      Also, today I closed new Registrations and dofollow links if you Register, because I’ve been targeted by pesky spammers from Poland.

      I might re-instate dofollow links in the future. I haven’t decided yet if it is worth it or not.

    • Oops! I forgot to reply to your Comment – how rude! Sorry about that, Vihay.

      Remember though that this is an add-on for your browser, not a plugin you get from the Plugin Directory. It’s very cool though, and amazingly useful.

  2. Pingback: Nofollow Links Made Easy: Foolproof Step By Step Method

  3. Pingback: SEO Tool Accuracy Research: Link-Type Analysis & Keyword Density

  4. Pingback: How to Write Brilliant Comments & Increase Your Site Traffic!

  5. This is probably one of the most helpful articles I’ve read on this. I go back & forth and I don’t know what I’m doing in terms of it and it just struck me that (because I installed a nofollow plugin) ALL of my dofollow links on my blog are affiliate links.OMG no wonder I’m having such a hard time with the search update!! But… all of my competitors have zero nofollow control except what’s automatically in their comments. I feel like just removing all my nofollow control.

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