Weaver II Unofficial User Guide: Post Specifics

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Weaver Sub Theme

Customizing how our individual Blog Posts look online is a major design opportunity. Some bloggers like the brightly colored, all-the-bells-and-whistles, sort of Blog Posts. I prefer a more sedate approach…I like to think of it as more refined…Smile But anyway, the ‘look’ of our Blog Posts on the screen, is important for everyone – all bloggers, and all readers. The good news for bloggers is that the Weaver II WordPress Theme is perfect for all tastes and all skill levels. Why?

Because you can set up a really nice looking website, and make it just the way you like it without any design skills. You don’t even need to know any CSS (website design language) or HTML Code.  With Weaver, you can customize everything using only a computer, a website and a mouse. Continue reading

Weaver II Unfofficial User Guide: Content Area Options

Weaver Magazine Subtheme

Weaver Magazine Subtheme

Content Areas are where you write your text.  You can choose to have Single Column content areas, or double Column Content Areas. You can have sidebars on the right or left or split sidebars – split between right and left.

Those basic layout choices were covered in the article Weaver II Unofficial User Guide: Layouts & Fonts.  Other options relating to your Content Areas such as the Main Area background color, Default Text color were covered in Weaver II Unofficial User Guide: Installation & Main Options.

This Admin section called Content Area Options covers everything else, including Titles, Headings, Padding, Images, Lists and Tables, and User Comments.  These options in Content Area Options apply to both Posts and Pages. Continue reading

Weaver II Unofficial User Guide: How to Customize LInks

weaver blue subtheme

weaver blue subtheme

Internal website links are the glue that holds your website together. You must Customize internal links so they provide good navigation through your content. Good navigation is extremely important.  With Weaver you have control over every aspect of how your links work, and how they look on the page. Good link navigation is especially important if you have a large amount of Content on your site.  Poor link navigation can result in readers choosing to click away in micro-seconds, rather than struggle with a navigation system they find difficult to use.

The Importance of Consistency in Web Design

People who know about Web design – not me (yet), but I’m happy to believe them – always say that having consistency throughout your blog or website design is important. Consistency can be a consistent overall color palette, but is also the layout and overall structure of your Content.

The Weaver theme makes it really easy to have site wide consistency.  You don’t need to know anything about CSS, or HTML, or even web design – with Weaver you have total control using only check boxes, color pickers (an infinite palette of colors to pick from) and Help pages.  Anyone can easily set up a website using Weaver II if they can read and wield a mouse.  No other skill is required.

It’s a fact of life that we fear the unknown. Hopefully this guide will give you an insider’s view of what you can expect if you decide to use Weaver II as your WordPress Theme. Continue reading

Weaver II Unofficial User Guide: Menus & Info Bar

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weaver white sub theme

Menus are a key factor in website design. They are your primary navigation tool. They are located right at the top of every page on your site, which is in the No 1 Prime Real Estate location: right under your header, or above it.  In WordPress, you can have Menus, Sub-menus, and Drop Down Menus.  Weaver II gives you lots of opportunities to tweak your menus to your heart’s content.

I covered the topic of drop down menus here: Drop Down Menus: 5 Reasons Why You Need One.  

And if you don’t think you can make your own Drop Down Menu because you don’t know how to use HTML – Good News!  See How To Make Drop Down Menus Without Using ANY HTML!  Yes you can! Continue reading

Weaver II Unofficial User Guide: Header Admin Options

weaver subtheme

Black & White Weaver Sub theme

Weaver II Header area customizations control more than just the image you choose to upload to you blog. Whenever you include any Code, or instructions, or plugins, into the Header section of a website, they are applied (top down) to the whole of the blog – Unless you add other instructions that exclude this from happening on specific areas inside your blog. We don’t need to worry about that now, but bear this web structure in mind, when setting up a website and theme.

For example, the Header section of any Theme is the preferred location of such things as your Google Analytics code. That is because you want the Analytics data collecting Plugin to apply to your whole blog – not just specific pages inside your blog. 

Reminder: Your Analytics Code is your personal Code you get from Google Analytics when you sign up for free Google Analytics account.  There are plugins that can be used to add your Analytics Link code into your Header area, or you can do it in your Weaver Admin panel.  But we don’t need to worry about that when setting up the Header section in Weaver. Continue reading

Weaver II Unofificial User Guide: Widget Area Settings

indie ave

Indie Ave Weaver Subtheme

Weaver II is famous for the number and flexibility of its widget areas. The main widget areas that are included in a newly installed Weaver II Theme are as follows: Main Widget Areas: Primary (top) Sidebar, Upper/Right Sidebar, Lower/Left Sidebar (or Left sidebar for multi-column layouts), and 4 Footer Widget Areas. I have only used these basic Widget Areas so far.  But there are many additional widget areas for Weaver Theme users to play with.

Weaver II Theme has additional Widget areas as follows: Continue reading