What is a Domain Name? A Domain Name is the name of your blog, like the name of your house – it’s where you live on the Internet. The Domain Name for this blog is My Second Million. If it’s your intention is to make money with your website, you need to choose a good ‘marketable’ Domain name. This requires research. In particular, you need to do Keyword Research. Keyword research is all about marketing, and is too big a subject to explain in detail here – so, more about that in future posts. Now, lets get down to the business of what you need to know in order to actually buy a Domain Name.
How to Choose a Domain Name
In order to choose, and then buy, your domain name, the Domain Name has to be available for you to buy. You’ll probably find that other people have already claimed many of the good and highly marketable, domain names in the topic area you want to target. That’s because millions of other people have already done exactly what you are doing right now – looking for a catchy, clever title for the sort of blog you want to start up for yourself. You can’t change that. But don’t be discouraged – you just have to be creative! Continue reading