How To Make Even MORE FREE Banners Using Mac Word

Word I love googleYes, I’ve just wasted my whole day making some more free Banners and Logos using Mac Word.  And it was Fun!  But was this really a waste of my day? No, not really, because eye-catching banners,  logos and images, attract extra traffic to your blog like bees to honey. And you can use them in so many ways: logos, banners, opt-in pages, emails, sales pages and more.

In the article, How To Optimize Images for Speed & SEO I explained how someone who visits your blog to find an image, is still counted as genuine ‘visit’ in your stats?  Yes it does. Every visit you get when someone came to your blog to find an image, builds your visitor numbers – your traffic.  These visits ‘count’ as a visit in the eyes of Google, just as much as someone who visits your site to read your latest Words of Wisdom. Continue reading

Panda & Penguin Updates: Who’s Afraid Of The Big Bad Google?

scared clip art

meme centre

Do you dance to Google’s tune? Are you scared of Pandas and Penguins? Do you write your articles to impress Google, instead of your readers? Is your life ruled by fear of the all-powerful, all-seeing, all-knowing Google? Do you know if your fear is justified? Or have you only been scared by fear mongers?

I’ve been surfing around the SEO ‘guru’ websites and SEO focused blogs, and what have I found?  Many webmasters, site owners and bloggers are getting their knickers in a twist because their lives and their writing is dominated by fear about Google’s Panda and Penguin Updates. They are afraid of SEO practices that they THINK will offend Google. But are they right? Or are they misinterpreting what Google actually said? Continue reading

More Easy Ways To Design FREE Banners, & Logos Using Word

subscribe circle blue How good are you at using graphic design software? If you are anything like me, it’s a struggle that always ends in failure.  Most bloggers want design tools that are easy and free. We want to have quality graphics that look professional, but at no cost – free – and of course, the process has to be easy to do, as well.

Good news friends! I’ve been exploring further into the design options of the humble Microsoft Word, and found even more ways to spruce up any tired looking blog and bring it springing back to life in a jiffy. Continue reading

Design Classy Banners & Forms With Mac Word: Easy & FREE!

design for dummiesDesigning graphics, text boxes and online forms! What a nightmare! Should you hire a professional designer, and blow hundreds of dollars? No way! Not unless you have money to burn!

Should you struggle with Design Form Template Plugins that take you hours to learn how to to use….and are never exactly what you need? No!

Follow these simple step by step instructions. They tell you exactly how you can design your own Graphics using ordinary Microsoft Word plus Screenshots. Just like the graphic at the top of this Post – or better!  You will be able to create stunning graphics – and it won’t cost you a dime.  Be as creative as you like – it’s easy, it’s fun, and it’s FREE. Continue reading

Different Value Backlinks: How To Hunt The Best Ones!

backlinks clipartHaving some good Backlinks is good – but having lots of good Backlinks is even better!  But… High Value back-links count more than your total back-link number.   However, the best value of all comes from having lots of High Quality back links.  This is not so easily done!

As a generalization, it is better to have a few High Value backlinks, than lots of Low Value back links.  And…it is better to have some Low Value backlinks than no back-links at all.

So what is a ‘Good’ Backlink?

A ‘good’ back-link for bloggers is one that impresses Google’s web crawlers.  Quality is what Google is impressed by.  Google translates Quality into something it calls Authority.  We get awarded Authority status by Google, if we have High Value Content AND..if we know what we are talking about.

Or, more to the point, if Google knows that we know what we are talking about.  Then Google ‘knows’ that our website is worth a visit by Google searchers (Google’s customers). Then, Google will prioritize our articles onto Page1 Google SERPS (Search Engine Results Pages).  Bingo!  High Page Rank!  So….how do we ‘tell’ Google how marvelous we are? Continue reading

Cool New Way To Get Backlinks!

struck goldEveryone wants to know how to get LOTS of big fat juicy dofollow backlinks!  But the problem is, how do you do it?  I was asked exactly this question today by one of my readers after he had read my Introductory article on Backlinks and why Google vaiues them so highly.  You can read that article here: Backlinks=Authority+Page Rank=Authority: Why You Need Them.

I’m currently researching (and learning about) this vital topic myself, and will be writing more articles on back linking soon. However… the mean time:

Here is a quick (unplanned) secret Backlinking Tip to be going on with: Continue reading