Welcome, Friends!

Plan Well. Start Small. Think BIG!

You might well be wondering,
About the name of this Blog,
So please look at my Motto Line
I may not, have My Second Million, as yet
But I have a website, a Motto, and ambition,
I think that should work, over time….

As of now, I’m right at the beginning
There are no Keywords, no Ads, or SEO,
No Google snatching, clever little tag-lines
But with time, you’ll see how it grows

So what is the purpose of this website?
It’s to chart how I learn to make cash
How to choose, and set up, a website
What works, and what ends up in Trash

The aim is to be useful to others,
But as well as that, to have fun
I’ll record all the steps on my journey
As I find out how everything’s done

I’ll document all of my challenges
What works, and what doesn’t, as well
If you want to tag along, please do so!
I need my visitor numbers to swell

That much I do know already
But right now, this site’s Under Construction
Please expect, the whole structure, to change
There’ll be building, but also destruction

You’ve probably noticed already,
I can lapse into very bad rhyme
I’m trying to break that addiction
I just need a little more time…

So don’t worry, my friends,
I won’t always write in rhyme
Wordpress, has a tagline, and that’s fine
It’s: ‘Code is Poetry’…..hmm…..well…
I think they are spinning us a line
When I get to the nitty gritty
Of making big money online
I won’t be using bad poetry
And wasting everyone’s time

     See you soon… watch this space……

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Welcome, Friends! — 7 Comments

  1. …Look forward to the journey! I too am interested in online entrepreneurship and will be keen to see how you go.

    Best of luck!

    • Thank you Chris. I didn’t expect anyone to actually like my poem – that could be a first, and possibly also the last.


  2. Pingback: How Often Must You Post New Articles to Build Traffic & High Rank?

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