How to Add Twitter ‘Follow’ Buttons & Drive Social Media Engagement

twitter bird

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Do you have Twitter and Facebook Buttons on your blog to encourage readers to Engage with you by following you on Social Media?  How about a Twitter ‘Follow Me @ Twitter’ button like this one
How about a ‘Google Plus Follow Me’ badge with it’s super cool, ‘Add Me to Your Circles’ drop down options?  No?  You need to do all of these things if you want to drive extra traffic to your Blog.

Maybe you only have static Icons for Social Media that you added using a Plugin such as Socialize? Like the social media icons I have at the top and bottom of all my Posts?

These static Icons can only bring you Recommendations for you Articles and Posts.  Recommendations are good, but getting Followers?  That is what you should be aiming for, without question.  Why?

Because every person you can entice to ‘Follow’ you on Google Plus (adds you to one of their Circles) or decides to ‘Follow’ you on Twitter, exposes YOUR Google Plus posts and Twitter Tweets (plus their embedded links back to your Blog), to all THEIR Followers.

Your Social Media ‘Followers’ bring all their friends with them. Yes!  And potentially, there’s Money in them thar hills…..Think of all those lovely new eyeballs (and wallets) with fingers just itching to click on ‘Buy Now!’  Note: I could be getting carried away here…just ever so slightly.

Alright! Have I convinced you that you MUST do this, yet?  I hope so, for you and your Blog’s sake.

So, I already wrote an article explaining How to Add Google Plus Badges and Buttons on your Blog or Website.  Now it’s time for the Twitter ‘How To Add Follow Me’ article.

How to Add Twitter ‘Follow @yourName’, Mention & Share Buttons.

Compared with Google Plus, adding the Twitter Follow badge to your blog is dead easy – in fact nothing could be easier.  Here’s what you do:

1.  Open a Twitter Account (of course). You can open more than one Twitter Account.

2.  Go to the Twitter Resources/Buttons page HERE.

3. The button you will get includes that cute little blue Twitter Bird Logo (inspired marketing).  The Twitter Follow Badge says, ‘bird Follow@yourname’ which looks like this:
(in my case).  You can also see how the ‘Follow’ Button looks in a Sidebar, by looking in my right hand Sidebar, where my Twitter Badge (aka as a Button) is right below my Updates Email Subscribe Form, and above my new you-beaut Google Plus Follow Badge.

You can even test out how that button works by clicking on it and continue on until you are one of my lovely Followers! – I’ll even thank you personally!  How could you resist….. 🙂

4. Choose your Button type:  There is a choice of:

  • ‘Share a Link’
  • ‘Follow’,
  • ‘Hashtag’
  • ‘Mention’

If you are not sure what these different buttons ‘Do’, you can find out all about how Twitter can bring you more Social Network traffic, by visiting the Twitter Help Centre at

And if you’re not sure about the difference between a Tweet, a Mention, or ‘Following’ someone else on Twitter, that Twitter ‘Help Centre’ will explain it all.

5.  Button Options:  Here you can select to

  • Show User Name
  • Large Button
  • Opt out of tailoring Twitter

Again, if you don’t know what Tailoring Twitter means, check out what the Twitter Help Centre says about Tailoring Twiter.

6.  Every time you change your Button selection and options, you can see how the Button will look when added to your Blog.

7. Copy and paste the Code that Twitter gives you in the window on the right hand side of this Button Screen.  Then you can either Paste the Code into a Text Widget to add your Button to your Sidebar, or Paste it into your About page, or any other page you wish.

8.  Unlike Google Plus Badges, adding this Twitter ‘Follow’ Button into the Content of a Page, works first time, every time, effortlessly.  I didn’t try the other types of Twitter Button, but I expect they will be equally as easy and successful to add into the copy of a Page.

All done! You are now ready for your avalanche of new Twitter Followers!

And of course, it wouldn’t be right if I didn’t add my own Twitter Follow button right here, right now….

And here’s a Share This button for this Article for all the same reasons:

Tweet tweet! Tweet tweet! Yes I’m now a bone fide Twit alright, (the dictionary says: Twit – a foolishly annoying person :)) and you can be too – come and join the Twitter Club and we’ll tweet sweet music together.  Hmmmm, settle down Carol…I think it’s time I focused a bit more….. . Good luck, friends, and Happy Tweeting.Purple Get Email Updates without extra text Never Miss out etc

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