Why Install Commentluv Premium When There Is Commentluv For Free?

commentluvThe Commentluv Premium plugin is the best way to promote your blog, bar none – and Commentluv spreads your blog far and wide – over all the social media platforms and beyond.  And the best part is, that by doing nothing more than installing Commentluv Premium, you can just let it rip, and it does all the hard work for you. Now that is my kind of plugin!  Easy install, lots of traffic and links, and I have to do nothing at all! Yes!

But that is not all.  If you install Commentluv Premium on your blog, and set it up in such a way that it attracts visitors and new backlinks, your own traffic and visitor numbers will skyrocket. That is because there are millions of other bloggers and website owners out there who are searching the Internet for Blogs with Commentluv installed on them – i.e. you!   And…with the Premium version, you get extra sharing on Social Media Platforms that are set up ro happen automatically – again, nothing for you to do at all. Plus, you get more options, many extras, new inclusions, and 6 Free Bonuses (see below).

OK, those are some of the benefits of Commentluv Premium, but we all know that there is a free version of Commentluv available.  So why would you want to upgrade from the free version to the Premium version of Commentluv?  That’s easy.  I’ve been using the free version of Commentluv for years, and it is great.  However, it does have many limitations that are only available if you invest in the Premium Commentluv plugin.  ‘Invest!’ I hear you cry! That sounds scary – but don’t panic, Commentluv Premium is cheap as chips (and I buy my fair share of chips, so I should know) at

  • a measly $67 for a lifetime single-site license
  • $87 for a lifetime Multi-site license, and
  • $97 for an Unlimited License that includes… 6 Extra Free Bonus.

All licenses come with free lifetime updates…for ever.

So What Are The Advantages of Commentluv Premium Over Commentluv Free?

That’s easy to answer: you get swag-loads of extra options that are not included in the Free Version. You also get much greater control and many more options to tweak, for those goodies that are also found in the Commentluv Free version. On top of that, you also get sophisticated click data feedback, anti-spam and anti-spambot blocking, trackback scrutiny, and extra Social Media Linking Options – none of which are included in the Free Version.

And much more besides: read on

Encourage Comments: You can offer ‘reward’ options to entice readers to come back to your blog again. Or to make more Comments. You can set up Commentluv to ‘reward’ visitors with the enticement of being able to choose 10 of their own posts in the Commentluv link, not just one, if they:

  • Register on your site
  • Or make more than 3 comments on the blog
  • Or give you a Google Plus +1
  • Or retweet your post etc

All these options can be included, excluded or tweaked by you in the Commentluv Premium Settings.

Link Control Rewards: You get far greater control and more options for the numbers and types of links you can offer (or not) in Comments, than you get with the free version of Commentluv.

Dofollow Control: choose if, and who, you will reward with the extra enticement of a dofollow Comment link if they leave a Comment on your blog.  You can choose to give dofollow links to everyone, to no one, or only to people who do any of the possible enticements outlined above.  And again, you have perfect control over how much, or how little, you offer to your readers.

Unlock Advanced Features: (No, not cosmetic surgery…get a grip, Carol)

  1. Links: You get more linking options when you make Comments on other people’s blogs as well.  You don’t get that with the Free version.
  2. Click stats feedback that lets you see which of your links are being clicked on most frequently
  3. Various Rewards for Commenters who agree to share your posts on Social Media Platforms – you decide what these rewards are, and who gets them.
  4. Custom Info Panel: Choose you own text in your personal Comment info panel, where you can also include links. Once included in your own Comment Info Panel, this panel with those links included, gets shown when you post Comments on other people’s blogs.
  5. Free lifetime Updates: All Commentluv Premium Licenses come with free lifetime updates.

Those are only a fraction of the Goodies included in Commentluv Premium! Yes!

All Levels of Commentluv License also get All the Following:

1. G.A.S.P.: GrowMap Anti-Spambot Plugin (included free in Commentluv Premium).

GASP is a powerful anti-spam software plugin.  It blocks spam-bots, human spammers and uses Trackback Validation to filter out the spam trackbacks before you even knew you had been targeted.

GASP also includes a free Captcha option.

Yes, there is a GASP WordPress plugin that you can install on it’s own, but the advantage of using it inside Commentluv Premium, is that it is already integrated into the Commentluv software. Everything is synched up and coordinated inside Commentluv so you don’t have to do anything at all, and there’s no chance of Plugin clashes….followed by crashes.

The advantage of having full integration of GASP inside Commentluv Premium, is because Andy Bailey created both GASP and Commentluv, (Hi Andy!) so everything for both plugins integrates smoothly, and all together.  And do you really want to add yet another plugin to slow your site down?

2. TwitterLink (included free in Commentluv Premium)

You can setup your Commentluv links to Twitter so that Commenters can easily share your Posts on Twitter with their own followers, right there when they make a Comment.  You can choose to set up this option to give them extra linking rewards if they spread your own blog link to their followers – or not.

3. Keyword Name (included free in Commentluv Premium).

This Commentluv Setting allows you to give certain Commenters the right to include keywords in the Name. For example, you might want to give Keyword Name options (enticements) if Commenters have already registered on your site, or if they have made a minimum number of previous comments. etc. Or you can prevent anyone using keyword Names in their Name when they comment.  You always have control.

4. Reply Me (included free in Commentluv Premium).

Commenters can choose to be notified by email if someone makes a follow up Comment on an article where they have left a comment.  OK, I know that is fairly basic, many plugins will do that. But wait!

**Redirects: You can set up Reply Me to automatically Redirect first-time Commenters to a different page after they have commented.  You can send them to any page you choose.  It could be used to build your Email List of Subscribers by sending them to a page that suggests they sign up for a Newsletter, or to a page that offers a freebie reward, or it could even be that you just to thank them for their Comment.

If You Choose the Unlimited License You Also Get

6 Extra (Awesome!) Bonuses:

1. Premium eBook: 15 Ways to Generate Traffic

Top bloggers got together to write this eBook.  It’s chock full of all the best traffic getting strategies around.

2. WP Dealpan Plugin:

This plugin allows you to offer Groupon special deals on your blog.  It comes with a Countdown Timer.

3. WP Mail Ads (with PLR rights)

Allows you to add your own ads to every email that your blog sends out.

4. Dashboard Widget (with Lonely Comments)

This widget shows you if you have any Comments without any replies.  This allows you to immediately know where they are, so you can reply to them straight away. This widget is the Guest Blogger version – how handy is that!  No more checking all over the place for replies!

5. WP Auto Links:

Allows you to set up automatic conversion of specific keywords into Affiliate links.  Set one up by linking a keyword with an affiliate product, and WP Auto Links will automatically update that keyword/link throughout your entire blog.  For me, this is a biggy, and you have perfect control.

6. Premium Headers Pack (Graphics)

Includes many PSD files plus video to show you how to change the headers into anything you want.

Easy Commentluv Install and Set Up

Installation could not be simpler. Your dashboard setup can be as simple, or as complicated as you wish. There are plenty of Help popups, and links to Help info in your Commentluv Setting section for every option.  There are also links to Help Videos right there in the Plugin Settings.  Or… you can install it, enable it, and see what Andy has given you as the default settings.  You do not need to do anything more to set up Commentluv Premium.  It is fine, right out of the box.

That is what I did: in installed it, enabled it, and checked it out – brilliant! I can now let Commentluv Premium do it’s work all on its own, and I can check out all the Settings options at my leisure.  Then I can decide how I will tweak the linking options, and social media options after watching all Andy’s help videos.   Nice work Andy!

Of course it is up to you to decide if you want to buy the Premium version of Commentluv.  I think it offers tremendous value, but you should always check out anything you buy by doing your own research first.

Note: if you choose to purchase this plugin through any of my Commentluv links on this page, like this one: Commentluv Premium, I will get a commission, but with no extra cost to you – that is how I keep this blog on the road – and you get extra luv from me…  Always do your own Research, and then decide.  I did that, and chose to upgrade to the Premium Version. I have not regretted it.

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Why Install Commentluv Premium When There Is Commentluv For Free? — 23 Comments

  1. Nice article. Very informative. Does Alexa ranking helps in anyway related to SEO ?
    Plz tell me sir…………

    • Hi Durgesh, as far as I know Alexa rank does nothing except tell you (and anyone else if your traffic is high enough for them to display your traffic trends publicly) whether Alexa thinks you are improving your traffic or losing traffic. It’s a guide only, but it’s very encouraging when the graph lines move in the right direction!

  2. Nice post! But after downloading the plugin how shall I integrate it with my blog? I know I am asking a silly question, but I am not so tech savvy!

    • Hi Tuhin, once you download the Commentluv plugin, you will see instructions in the settings of the Plugin itself. It’s easy, so give it a go! There are also links from inside the plugin to Help sections etc

  3. Thank you for your good guidance. It is really nice article. I like to know whether the links in commentLuv system will label as a quality Backlink. Can you help me sir?

    • Hi Jikku, I’m not sure if you are asking about the links other people making links on your site, or finding quality links in someone else’s website?

      The quality of links made by people commenting on your site depends on the quality of the Comment, and the quality of the site it comes from – publishing spam comments from Commenters who are only Commenting to get a link back from you using Commentluv are not quality links and could damage your reputation with Google. Commentluv helps to attracts comments (a good thing for page rank), but you will also get people trying to spam your site to take advantage of that link.

      Always the same rules apply: do not publish spam comments, whether they come to you by or for Commentluv, or by any other means. See how to get Free Akismet which will help block Spam, and see How to Make Brilliant Comments and Increase Traffic for some tips on recognising spam. Also I have a whole Category for dealing with Spam.

  4. Thanks for the post! I’m a newbie that searches far and wide for the Right!!! Useful information for spreading my blog and gaining traffic so any useful comments i appreciate and cherish! Hopefully this plugin can help a bit and turn things around for me! Corey L.

  5. You get alot more with the Premium Package, and really the cost is very reasonable.

  6. I just installed CommentLuv Premium today, and I luv it! I was using Disqus before, but was surprised some didn’t understand how to use it. With CL it seems like even the first time I saw it, I was surprise that the author even gave me the option to share one of my post. How cool is that? Thanks for the tips.

    • Hi Amrish, I checked out Disqus and found it too complicated to understand properly – and expensive too if I remember right! I got Commentluv Premium and I’m happy with it as well.

  7. There are more feature available with Premium, but obviously free is more cost effective, especially if you are just trying to get off the ground.

  8. Commentluv plugin is good but it also affects google search rankings massively. That is something one has to consider. Everything has pros and cons.

  9. I got more useful knowledge on using commentluv plugin. I never thought about using this plugin. But after reading this post, i would like to try commentluv plugin on my blog.

  10. Commentluv based on my experience can give you more site traffic compared to other plugins for the comment section.

  11. Great to see such an absolute content from that blog. I would love to use comment luv on my blogs. I also visit their primary website and found many useful features which they are offering with premium comment luv package. Hopefully, try my best to utilize this amazing plugin to my WordPress blogs to increasing website traffic.
    Thank you 🙂

  12. Hello mysecondmillion,
    I used commentluv premium in my other blogs. Why I’m recomending commenluv is because of the built-in traffic driving feature and the easy way of establishing connections online. The use of keywords in the name field, Twitter, blog or website linkback are the attractive features so far.

    • Hi Shelly – I found it slowed down the site speed compared with the free version. I will probably try it out again sometime because it does add some useful extra options for comments. I’m sure they will have addressed this in recent upgrades but haven’t tried it again lately.

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